Jerry Elman Jerry's Blog and Articles Closing Chapters and New Beginnings: Farewell to My Holocaust Blog

Closing Chapters and New Beginnings: Farewell to My Holocaust Blog

Dear Readers,

With mixed emotions, I announce the conclusion of our shared journey through the history of the Holocaust. I have accomplished as much as I can, and it is time to move on to other interests.

Over the past two years, we have ventured into the darkest annals of human history, commemorated the victims, celebrated the survivors, and gleaned invaluable lessons that remain profoundly relevant in today’s world, lessons that must be etched into our collective memory.

When I embarked on this blog as a follow-up to my book, my aim was to illuminate one of the most harrowing events in human history—an event that should forever serve as a stark reminder of the dire consequences of hatred, prejudice, and discrimination. Through it all, my goal has been to pay tribute to their memory and ensure their experiences are never forgotten.

I must also say I am genuinely disappointed by the difficulties I’ve faced within the Rochester, NY, Jewish community. It is disheartening to witness personal conflicts and unfounded gossip being wielded to obstruct participation in vital endeavors like Holocaust awareness and education. It is especially troubling when some leaders within the Jewish community prioritize grudges and concealed motives over the inclusion of fellow Jews with direct connections to the Holocaust in these programs. This not only diminishes the memory and respect for those who endured and survived the Holocaust but also contradicts the very values and wishes they held dear.

Yet, in the midst of this disappointment, I find comfort in the profound impact of our engagement, support, and discussions on this platform. Your comments, emails, and messages have not only enriched the content but have also served as a touching reminder that the memory of the Holocaust endures in the hearts and minds of many.

As I draw the curtains on this blog, I want to express my deepest gratitude to all of you who have been part of this journey. Your readership, questions, and shared stories have transformed this blog into a meaningful and fulfilling endeavor. While this chapter is concluding, I hope the knowledge and awareness we have cultivated together will continue to inspire tolerance, compassion, and empathy in our world.

3 thoughts on “Closing Chapters and New Beginnings: Farewell to My Holocaust Blog”

  1. Jerry, your blog has been powerful and needed, especially in these times of heightened incivility and violence.
    Thank-you. You ARE appreciated!

  2. Glad i was able to follow along on your journey. Thank you for your enlightenment. May you find fulfillment in your next “chapter”. Best Wishes.

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