Jerry Elman Jerry's Blog and Articles The Unseen Danger! – Donald Trump and the Extreme Evangelical Coup: The Creation of an American Evangelical Theocracy!

The Unseen Danger! – Donald Trump and the Extreme Evangelical Coup: The Creation of an American Evangelical Theocracy!

Most Americans perceive the upcoming 2024 Presidential election as a typical race for the White House, focusing on whether Donald Trump or Joe Biden will win. However, this perspective overlooks a more profound, underlying issue.

This election is not merely about determining the next President; it echoes the legal coup that brought Adolf Hitler to power in Germany. A similar strategy is being deployed within the Republican Party and the Extreme Evangelical Movement. Their goal is ambitious and chilling: they aim to establish not just a fascist autocracy, as Hitler did, but also an extreme Evangelical religious theocracy.

Much like the majority of Germans in the 1930s, who were blind to the looming disaster until it was too late, most Americans are underestimating the gravity of the situation.

This election is about far more than Donald Trump. If successful, the consequences could be far more devastating than Hitler’s rise to power, potentially transforming America into a fascist religious theocracy. This outcome would surpass all previous historical disasters. America and the world would never recover from it.

The evolving political landscape in the United States is witnessing a significant shift within the Republican Party, driven by a deep intertwining of extreme Evangelical beliefs and political loyalty, particularly towards former President Donald Trump. This phenomenon transcends mere political allegiance, marking a profound ideological transformation where religious doctrine is placed above constitutional mandates and the rule of law. This scenario is reminiscent of theocratic governance observed in countries like Iran and Afghanistan, where extreme religious beliefs totally determine state affairs.

This ideological shift has redefined the Republican Party’s base, with extreme Evangelicals emerging as its primary supporters. Many Republican officials, particularly at state and federal levels, now align themselves with these extreme Evangelical doctrines.

Figures like Marjorie Taylor Greene are not to be dismissed as mere eccentricities or irrelevant; they are central to this movement. Greene, like many others in the Republican Party, is deeply committed to extreme Evangelical doctrine, and her actions and statements reflect a deliberate strategy to transform America into an extreme Evangelical Theocracy.

Removing Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House was not a mere political maneuver but a strategic move in this overarching plan. McCarthy was not a true believer in this coup that is underway. His removal was a calculated political crisis created to install a true believer as Speaker of the House. Similarly, the actions of Republican State Legislatures across the country, aimed at upending fundamental rights in favor of extreme Evangelical beliefs, are not acts of craziness but the execution of a deliberate plan. The battle to overturn abortion rights was a pilot project to test the long-term strategy and plan. That pilot was successful, and now the legal coup is moving forward at full speed.

In this context, Trump is seen not only as a political figure but as a religious leader who will steer America toward an extreme Evangelical Theocracy. His rhetoric, which always shows contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law, together with his rhetoric in support of extreme Evangelical views and fascism, finds a prophet-like audience of believers.

Donald Trump’s public persona and actions have been a topic of considerable debate. Some argue that his unconventional approach and rhetoric are merely impulsive. I believe everything he does is part of a calculated strategy to appeal to a certain segment of the population. While mainstream America often questions the basis of his success, he did not randomly garner a dedicated following who resonate strongly with his messages.

Like Adolph Hitler, he created two public images of himself. To the mainstream, he created an image of incompetence, hate, and speaking nonsense so he would not be taken seriously. To the fascists and extreme Evangelicals, he embraced their beliefs and ideology and spoke to them as a prophet whom they now believe in and worship.

Trump embraced what his extreme Evangelical base believed. They believe America is a Christian nation under siege by sinister forces, necessitating spiritual warfare. Trump is viewed as a divinely appointed leader destined to rescue the nation. This belief is echoed by numerous Republican politicians who prioritize their religious mission over democratic principles, viewing opposition not just as a political disagreement but as a legitimate religious battle against evil.

Trump deliberately aligned his political mission with a divine mandate, casting his opponents as demonic. The events surrounding the 2020 election, including Trump’s unfounded claims of electoral fraud and the subsequent Capitol insurrection, are portrayed as part of a holy war to save a “Christian America.”

America faces a dire situation as most people remain on the sidelines while an extreme minority may take total power via legal means.

The current direction of the Republican Party, influenced by far-right fascists and extreme Evangelical ideology and its alignment with Trump, represents a significant threat to the democratic foundations of the United States. This is not merely a political shift but a move towards an authoritarian, theocracy-influenced governance model, leveraging democratic mechanisms to undermine democracy itself.

Even if Trump is defeated and goes away, this battle will not go away. It is a coup that is much bigger than Trump alone. The Republican Party establishment, together with extreme Evangelicals, will continue to fight for what they want for years to come. They will find another prophet to lead them.

We must remain vigilant for the long haul and decisively defeat these extremists at their own game. In the past, the role of the Supreme Court was to stop the unraveling of American democracy. We certainly cannot count on them today!

2 thoughts on “The Unseen Danger! – Donald Trump and the Extreme Evangelical Coup: The Creation of an American Evangelical Theocracy!”

  1. I agree 100%. Comparisons of Trump to Hitler must be done carefully. We cannot compare Trump to Hitler in 1945. But, there are many parallels between Trump & Hitler’s rise to power in the 1930s.

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