Jerry Elman Jerry's Blog and Articles “National Hate Day” What the Hell?

“National Hate Day” What the Hell?

Blog 23-4, February 25, 2023. Written by Jerry Elman

Today is a milestone we cannot ignore in America.

Neo-Nazi groups led by the Goyim Defense League have declared today, February 25th, the first annual “National Day of Hate” targeted against Jews in particular.

Police departments and Jewish organizations across the U.S. have braced for antisemitic confrontations and harassment after reports of neo-Nazi groups organizing a national “Day of Hate” today, Saturday, Feb. 25.

As of Friday afternoon, no specific targets or locations have been named online. Instead, law enforcement, anti-terrorism agencies, and antisemitism watchdog groups around the country have noted plans for general action to intimidate and spread fear among Jewish communities.

Jews cannot remain passive when antisemitism is thriving in the United States.

Before the MAGA movement, such an openly declared day of hate would not have been possible. Now it is a new norm in America. As a former President often said, “these people vote and support me.”

Yes, they do! They are the MAGA base most Republican leaders are terrified of and will not condemn! They pander to them for their votes.

The Goyim Defense League has become one of America’s leading neo-nazi Jewish hate groups. They are active in many communities across the United States. One of their primary activities is secretly distributing fliers in Jewish neighborhoods. They also organized support of Kanye West and put up hate banners on bridges in many cities.

Examples of Goyim Defence League Flyers

Within my hometown of Rochester, NY, they distributed their Jewish hate fliers last year in Brighton and, most recently, in Irondequoit, two towns with large Jewish populations.

Too many passive Jewish leaders think avoiding and ignoring the Goyim Defense League and others like them is the best defense. There is a fear of gaining their attention and becoming one of their targets.
I disagree. We must be aggressive in calling them out and making it clear we will not tolerate them. We must not allow them to intimidate us, scare us, or harm us.

The Twitter message below captured Goyim Defense League bullies harassing Jews at the driveway entrance of the Chabad in Orlando, Florida, on February 22nd. Watch the two-minute video. You will be outraged and what you see.

Like all haters, they are bullies. They are cowards! Bullies only bully others when allowed to! We cannot defeat them with passive words and statements. They only understand the strength in our actions.

Jews and non-Jews alike must send a clear message to these hate groups that we know what they are up to and will not tolerate or fear them. We must make them show their true colors as cowards who will run when challenged.

Even the Hitler Nazis of the Holocaust ran away when they were not pointing guns at defenseless victims. When challenged, they were the ones who ran away.

If we truly remember the Holocaust, we must show our strength to these haters. They must fear us, not bully us!

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