Jerry Elman Jerry's Blog and Articles “Miracles Through Hell” Receives National Recognition

“Miracles Through Hell” Receives National Recognition

Earlier today, Readers View, a national independent book publishing industry support and promotion organization, announced the 2022 Readers View Literary Award winners. Thousands of books are vetted and reviewed for these annual awards.

“Miracles Through Hell” was the Silver (2nd place) recipient in the Reviewers Choice, memoir/biography/autobiography category and the bronze (3rd place) recipient in the history category.

This announcement is a surprise and honor. These awards give the book credibility that it is worth reading.

I hope more people will read the book because we can never forget the Holocaust. It can only be remembered knowing the horrible details of what happened, why it happened, and how it happened. Without the details and human experiences, the Holocaust will not be remembered and understood, especially with most survivors no longer with us to tell their stories firsthand.

Thanks to everyone who has supported this journey and read the book. Thanks to all of you that follow and read my blog articles.

Please help spread the word with family and friends by recommending the book and forwarding the link to my blog. Thanks again!

12 thoughts on ““Miracles Through Hell” Receives National Recognition”

  1. Congratulations for recognition well deserved. Harold Berzow. P. S. Send my regards to the family. There is a chance we may be in Rochester this summer, and if so, I will be in touch.

  2. Not only does this book deserve recognition, that national acclaim will get it into more hands, in front of more readers. That is a very good thing!

  3. Mazel tov. Your book does a superb job of telling about parts of the Holocaust that we rarely hear. Your father’s story of the partisans is very special. In addition your mother’s struggle living in extreme fear and starvation while hiding as well as her PTSD are important for us to understand. I am so glad that your book is getting the recognition it deserves.

  4. Dear Jerry – congretulations, you did a great job, we are happy for you and I hope mnay pepole will read the book –

  5. Dear Jerry – congretulations, you did a great job, we are happy for you and I hope many pepole will read the book –

  6. What a well deserved honour Jerry. Your work has made a difference, opening the door for people to bear witness to your family’s story, as well as the broader narrative of history, impact on the individual, families and community.

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