Jerry Elman Jerry's Blog and Articles The World Ignores the Real Genocide

The World Ignores the Real Genocide

The World Ignores the Real Genocide.

International and the media attention continue to focus on the Israel/Hamas war. The UN has a history of being hostile towards Israel, since it’s founding. That is truer today than ever. The UN is obsessed with labeling almost every action (literally daily) by Israel as violating international law and acts of genocide.  This is unprecedented by the UN.

While any loss of life is tragic, what keeps getting ignored is that this is a war of choice on the part of Hamas and the people of Gaza who follow the rule of Hamas. Over 1200 innocent people, including young children, were brutally massacred. Woman were raped and brutally mutilated. People were burned alive. Over 200 hostages were taken, some babies.

The world and the UN continue to downplay the cause of this war and refuse to formally condemn Hamas for their brutal attack. Much of the world views Israel and Jews as the oppressors even though everyone one of the many wars fought were started by Arabs and Palestinians, not Israel.

In the case of Israel and Jews, fighting back in defense is condemned and labeled all kinds of ridiculous things including genocide.

Where the Real Genocide is Happening – Not Gaza

While the conflict in Gaza receives substantial biased media attention, several other regions are experiencing real and significant genocides and mass atrocities that have demanded urgent international focus and action. Yet the media, international community and UN totally ignore these conflicts and refuse to report anything about them Here are the places real genocide and violations of International Law are taking place and ignored:

Myanmar (Burma)

Rohingya Genocide:

  • Displacement: Over 740,000 Rohingya have fled to Bangladesh since August 2017 due to military operations characterized by mass killings, rapes, and village burnings​
  • Casualties: Thousands of Rohingya have been killed, though exact numbers are hard to verify due to restricted access to conflict areas.
  • Human Rights Abuses: Those remaining in Myanmar face severe restrictions on movement, healthcare, and education, and are denied citizenship, making them one of the largest stateless populations globally.

China (Xinjiang)

Uyghur Genocide:

  • Detentions: Up to 1 million Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities are detained in “re-education camps” where they face forced labor, indoctrination, and severe human rights abuses​.
  • Cultural Suppression: Reports indicate extensive surveillance, forced sterilization, and efforts to eradicate Uyghur cultural and religious identity.

Ethiopia (Tigray)

Tigray Conflict:

  • Casualties: Thousands have died since the conflict began in November 2020, with widespread atrocities including mass killings, sexual violence, and starvation reported​.
  • Displacement: Over 2 million people have been internally displaced, and many more are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance due to blocked aid routes​ ​.
  • Famine: The region faces a severe famine, with hundreds of thousands at risk of starvation due to the blockade on food and medical supplies​.


Civil War:

  • Casualties: More than 500,000 people have been killed since the civil war began in 2011, involving numerous atrocities, including chemical attacks and targeted violence against civilians​.
  • Displacement: Over 13 million Syrians have been displaced, with 6.7 million internally displaced and 6.6 million refugees abroad​​.

Russian Involvement:

  • Military Support: Russia has provided extensive military support to the Syrian government since 2015, including airstrikes that have targeted rebel-held areas, resulting in numerous civilian casualties​​.

Iranian Involvement:

  • Proxy Forces: Iran has supported the Syrian government through proxy forces, including Hezbollah and other Shiite militias. These groups have played a crucial role in ground operations against rebel forces​ (Voice of America)​.
  • Political Influence: Iran’s involvement is part of its broader strategy to expand its influence in the region and counterbalance Saudi and Israeli interests.

Turkish Involvement:

  • Territorial Control: Turkey has conducted multiple military operations in northern Syria, targeting Kurdish groups it considers terrorists. These operations have led to significant displacement and human rights abuses​ (Voice of America)​.

South Sudan

Ethnic Violence:

  • Casualties: Nearly 400,000 people have been killed since the civil war began in December 2013, characterized by ethnic violence and political conflict​​.
  • Displacement: Over 4 million people have been displaced, including 2.2 million refugees in neighboring countries​.
  • Humanitarian Crisis: The country faces severe food insecurity, with more than 60% of the population requiring humanitarian assistance.


Comparing the numbers in Gaza to those in other regions, it is evident where the real genocides are occurring. These conflicts are largely ignored as if they do not exist.

Why do the media, international community, and UN focus so heavily on Jews and the Jewish state when far worse atrocities are happening in other conflicts?

Similarly, why is there no uproar when Palestinians frequently attack and kill Jews? Why is the legitimacy of the Jewish state, recognized by the UN and the international community since its independence, still questioned? This is not a coincidence; it is deliberate.

This focus on Gaza, despite other severe genocides in Myanmar, China, Ethiopia, Syria, and South Sudan, underscores a troubling bias.

One thought on “The World Ignores the Real Genocide”

  1. I’m sick of the one sided news about Israel and Hamas.

    Hamas is a terrorist organization with no rules only death to Jews

    Israel is so careful when they attack in self defense

    The news is totally one sided. The UN has to go. They are useless. Why does América allow them here and financially support them. Kick them out
    Israel has to win this war and then win the peace.

    Americans better WAKE UP. They feel too safe here. Without Israel you are sitting ducks. Give as much money as you can do. Write letters. Call politicians.


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