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Response to Jews Who Express Hate of Democrats and Liberals

Written by Jerry Elman, 7/25/2024

As I continue to write online about the history of Jew Hate and the Israel/Palestinian conflict, I am encountering more personal attacks from fellow Jews who demonize me and others like me solely because we identify as Democrats and liberals.

I have left several Jewish online groups that are supposed to focus on ending Jew Hate, remembering the Holocaust, and supporting 2nd Generation Survivors. Unfortunately, these sites have been taken over by Jews who prioritize their political and ideological beliefs, demonizing and attacking other Jews who think differently. Yes, the moderators are not doing their jobs, but that may be a good thing because we get to see the hatred being sown by so many Jews against other Jews.

I am an American who loves my country no differently than other Americans with different beliefs. My commitment to Israel is no different from anyone else’s, regardless of my beliefs about the governance and policies of the Israeli government.

I understand that there are many different perspectives within the Jewish community, especially in light of the recent Israel-Hamas conflict and the current presidential election. These events are tearing apart much of the American Jewish community into political and ideological camps, driving hatred and division.

It’s important to acknowledge the diversity of opinions and experiences. However, promoting hatred or intolerance towards any group, including Democrats and liberals, undermines the values of respect and understanding that are central to our community.

Here are a few points to consider:

  1. Shared Values:
    • Many liberal principles, such as social justice, equality, and human rights, align with core Jewish values. These principles have historically been significant in Jewish teachings and actions.
  2. Holocaust Learnings:
    • The Holocaust stands as a stark reminder of the dangers of hatred and intolerance. The Nazis used hate as a tool to dehumanize and persecute millions, including six million Jews. This horrific period in history teaches us the vital importance of combating hatred in all its forms to prevent such atrocities from happening again.
  3. Combatting Division:
    • Division and hatred within our community can weaken our collective strength. By focusing on what unites us rather than what divides us, we can build a stronger, more cohesive community.
  4. Consequences of Internal Hatred:
    • Community Fragmentation: Hatred and division within the Jewish community can lead to fragmentation and weaken our collective strength and unity.
    • Erosion of Solidarity: The Jewish community has historically relied on solidarity and mutual support to thrive and survive during times of adversity.
    • Increased Vulnerability: A divided community is more vulnerable to external threats and Jew hate, as internal conflicts can distract from addressing real and pressing threats.
    • Undermining Collective Efforts: Successful advocacy and activism often require a unified front. Internal conflicts and hatred can undermine collective efforts to advocate for Jewish rights, combat Jew hate, and promote Jewish culture and heritage.
    • Negative Impact on Mental Health: Experiencing or witnessing hatred within one’s own community can have a detrimental impact on mental health, leading to feelings of betrayal, sadness, and disillusionment.
    • Diminished Cultural and Religious Growth: A harmonious community fosters cultural and religious growth, while hatred and division can stifle the exchange of ideas, traditions, and practices.
  5. Constructive Dialogue:
    • Engaging in respectful and open dialogue with those who hold different views can lead to greater understanding and cooperation. It’s through these conversations that we can find common ground and work towards shared goals.
  6. Promoting Tolerance:
    • Promoting tolerance and understanding towards all groups, including Democrats and liberals, is essential for a healthy and vibrant society. It reflects the inclusive spirit that has helped Jewish communities thrive throughout history. This principle is deeply embedded in the foundation of what America stands for. Embracing tolerance and understanding towards all groups is a way of honoring these core American values.
  7. Building Stronger Communities:
    • A community that embraces diversity and inclusivity is stronger and more resilient. By promoting tolerance and understanding, we create an environment where everyone feels valued and respected, leading to greater social cohesion and harmony.
  8. Learning and Growth:
    • Engaging with people who hold different beliefs and opinions can be a powerful learning experience. It broadens our perspectives, challenges our assumptions, and helps us grow intellectually and emotionally. This kind of engagement is crucial for personal development and for building a more informed and empathetic society.
  9. Combatting Hate and Prejudice:
    • Tolerance and understanding are key to combating hate and prejudice. By fostering an environment of respect and open dialogue, we can address misunderstandings and stereotypes that often lead to discrimination and conflict. This proactive approach helps prevent the escalation of hate and promotes peace and reconciliation.
  10. Upholding Jewish Values:
    • Jewish teachings advocate for the dignity and respect of all individuals. The concept of “Tikkun Olam” (repairing the world) calls on Jews to work towards making the world a better place. Promoting tolerance and understanding is a direct way to live out this value, contributing to a more just and compassionate world.
  11. Practical Steps for Promoting Tolerance:
    • Education: Educate ourselves and others about different cultures, religions, and political beliefs to foster understanding and empathy.
    • Dialogue: Engage in open and respectful conversations with those who hold different views. Listen actively and seek to understand their perspectives.
    • Advocacy: Support policies and initiatives that promote inclusivity and protect the rights of all individuals, regardless of their background or beliefs.
    • Community Building: Participate in and support events and activities that bring diverse groups together. This can include interfaith dialogues, cultural festivals, and community service projects.
    • Role Modeling: Lead by example. Demonstrate tolerance and understanding in your interactions and encourage others to do the same.
  12. The Role of Jewish Communities:
    • Jewish communities have a long history of advocating for social justice and human rights. By continuing to champion these causes and promoting tolerance and understanding, Jewish communities can play a pivotal role in creating a more inclusive and harmonious society.
  13. The Impact on Future Generations:
    • By instilling the values of tolerance and understanding in future generations, we ensure that these principles endure. Educating children and young adults about the importance of respecting and valuing diversity helps build a foundation for a more just and equitable world.
  14. Freedom of Speech:
    • Freedom of speech is a fundamental American right. Speech is a product of one’s beliefs. If one disagrees with another’s beliefs, hate is not going to change that—respectful dialogue will. Respecting freedom of speech means engaging in conversations that seek to understand and bridge differences, not exacerbate them.
  15. Engaging with Progressives:
    • I personally disagree with the beliefs of many progressive liberals who speak against Jews and Israel. It is very painful to hear and I condemn it. But at the same time, they are speaking their beliefs, and it is up to the rest of us to engage with them in constructive dialogue and debate with history and facts to change their beliefs. What these people say and do does not represent all Democrats and all liberals. It is a minority view.
  16. Stereotyping and Historical Parallels:
    • Stereotyping people for their political beliefs is no different than the Jew haters who labeled Jews with harmful stereotypes such as blood libel, financial greed, and world domination. Jews who resort to this same stereotyping of others, including fellow Jews, lower themselves to the same values as the historic haters of Jews.
  17. What Holocaust Survivors and Victims Would Think:
    • Holocaust survivors and victims endured unimaginable suffering due to hatred and intolerance. They would likely be deeply saddened to see hatred within the Jewish community. Their experiences underscore the importance of unity, compassion, and standing against all forms of hate. They remind us that internal division can weaken us and that we must strive to create a supportive, understanding, and cohesive community.

By focusing on these points, we can help create an environment where differences in opinion are respected and where we can all work together towards a better future together as Jews who may not agree but respect one another.

Jews must be a unified community that embodies the values of tolerance, respect, and understanding for everyone, regardless of our political beliefs.

When we say “never forget” we must remember what hatred towards anyone leads to. Jews know that better than any other people.

5 thoughts on “Response to Jews Who Express Hate of Democrats and Liberals”

  1. Well said. I’m in dialogue with “Progressives who I believe are siding against Israel for faulty reasons and with misinformation. Clearing it up takes listening not arguing, knowledge and accurate information and patience,lots of it. We also need to calm the friction created by more right wing Jews who indeed are dividing us and losing touch with our deepest most central Jewish values.

  2. I appreciate this well reasoned essay. It is too often that issues are so over simplified that there is no understanding of middle ground. And politics has destroyed civil discourse to the point that you cannot see there are truths on both sides. I am not Jewish, nor am I Muslim or Christian. I am, however, horrified by the corruption of religion by politics. I have been to one of your lectures, and I have read your book. And I hope your voice in this blog will be heard.

  3. I too like what you wrote. We may come to different opinions on different issues but at the bottom line, we need to continually support Israel and Jewish values.

  4. Thank you for writing this. I engaged with a “Jews for Trump” Facebook group, maintaining civil dialogue to understand their perspectives, and was shocked at the anger, accusations, and trashy nature of many of their posts and responses. I have likewise felt betrayed by my liberal/progressive community that’s been many decades in building, for their focus on blaming Israel and Jews solely for tragic current events. Your essay is terrific but somewhat repetitive. Because I’d like people to read it, I may assemble excerpts, unless you care to edit it some. Thanks again for helping us focus on what matters so we stay safe and continue to make progress toward peace.

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