Jerry Elman Jerry's Blog and Articles Hamas: Brutality, Propaganda, and the Urgent Need for a New Jewish Strategy

Hamas: Brutality, Propaganda, and the Urgent Need for a New Jewish Strategy

Written by Jerry Elman, September 1, 2024

The recent brutal execution of six innocent hostages by Hamas and the lack of global outrage is not just another grim episode in the ongoing Israel-Hamas war; it is a potent reminder of the brutality at the heart of Hamas’s ideology and their control of the propaganda narrative. This brutal murder and lack of international outrage underscores the urgent need for Jewish organizations to shift their focus and take control of the narrative surrounding the conflict. For too long, groups like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and other major Jewish organizations have played defense, failing to mount an offensive strategy to counter Hamas’s propaganda effectively. This must become their number one priority. Without a rapid change in tactics, the military struggle on the ground will always lose out to the information war.

Hamas’s Ideology: A Doctrine of Death and Martyrdom

To understand Hamas’s actions, we must first comprehend its ideological framework, which glorifies martyrdom and death over life. Founded in 1987 as a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas’s guiding principles are enshrined in its 1988 charter, which explicitly calls for the destruction of Israel and the establishment of an Islamic state on all the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. This goal is not simply political; it is deeply ideological and infused with Jew hate.

Central to Hamas’s doctrine is the concept of martyrdom. In Hamas’s view, dying in battle against Jews is the highest honor, and martyrdom is glorified as a religious duty. The organization promotes a culture where death is valued over life, particularly in the context of its struggle against Israel. Hamas leaders have openly stated their willingness to sacrifice millions of Palestinians if necessary to achieve their aims. This ideology drives the organization to use its people as human shields, embed military operations within civilian areas, and exploit every civilian casualty as a tool for propaganda.

Hamas’s actions consistently demonstrate this disregard for human life. It celebrates dead martyrs over living people, making clear that its intent is not to protect its people but to sacrifice them in pursuit of its broader, ideological goals. The recent executions of hostages are just one example of how Hamas uses human lives as pawns in its war against Jews and Israel.

The Strategic Use of Brutality and Propaganda

Hamas’s brutality is not just a means of waging war but also a critical component of its propaganda strategy. The group is exceptionally adept at using violence to control the narrative. By committing acts of terror, such as suicide bombings, rocket attacks, and the killing of hostages, Hamas provokes responses from Israel that can be framed as “disproportionate” or “oppressive,” regardless of the context. Civilian casualties resulting from these conflicts are then exploited to generate international sympathy and support.

Hamas’s propaganda is highly effective for several reasons:

  1. Emotional Appeal and Simplified Narratives: Hamas uses powerful emotional narratives to frame the conflict, portraying itself as the underdog against a mighty Israeli state. Images of Palestinian suffering — often caused by Hamas’s tactics of embedding fighters within civilian areas — evoke empathy and outrage worldwide.
  2. Social Media Mastery: Hamas leverages social media platforms to spread its message quickly, creating viral content that reinforces its narrative of victimhood and resistance. This digital strategy allows Hamas to influence global audiences, often outpacing Israel’s official responses.
  3. Exploiting Western Biases and Guilt: Hamas taps into existing biases and grievances in Western societies, framing itself as a movement against “colonial” oppression. This alignment with broader global movements against racism and injustice allows Hamas to gain sympathy and support, even as it perpetuates violence and Jew hate.

The Failure of Jewish Organizations to Prioritize Offensive Narrative Control

Jewish organizations, such as the ADL, Jewish Federations, and others, have historically focused on combating Jew hate through education, legal action, and advocacy. However, in the face of Hamas’s sophisticated propaganda machine, these efforts have failed. Instead of actively setting the narrative, these organizations frequently find themselves in a reactive position, countering accusations and clarifying misunderstandings rather than shaping the discourse themselves.

These organizations have not prioritized the broader strategy of combating Hamas’s specific propaganda campaigns. They have not effectively utilized digital platforms to disseminate a clear, consistent message about Hamas’s brutality and its true nature as a terrorist organization that sacrifices its own people to achieve its goals. This defensive posture has allowed Hamas to control the narrative, painting itself as a legitimate resistance movement rather than the violent, ideologically driven group it is.

The Need for a New Strategy: Offensive Narrative Control

To counter Hamas’s propaganda effectively, Jewish organizations must recognize that this is a war — an information war — and they must treat it as such. This must become their number one priority. The power to shape public opinion, influence international policy, and build alliances depends on who controls the narrative. A new, offensive approach is needed:

  1. Focus on Simplified, Compelling Messaging: Craft simple, compelling messages that directly confront the lies and distortions spread by Hamas. These messages should highlight Hamas’s brutality — not only against Jews but also against Palestinians — and expose the group’s use of human shields, its exploitation of civilian casualties, and its cynical use of martyrdom.
  2. Leverage Digital Platforms More Effectively: Create viral content, harness the power of influencers, and engage directly with younger audiences who consume information primarily online. Use videos, graphics, and emotionally resonant storytelling to convey the real impact of Hamas’s actions and counter misinformation in real time.
  3. Coordinate a Unified Response: Greater coordination and collaboration among Jewish organizations are essential. By pooling resources, sharing information, and adopting a unified strategy, these organizations can present a stronger, more cohesive front that amplifies their message.
  4. Proactively Highlight Hamas’s Human Rights Abuses: Work with international human rights groups to document and publicize Hamas’s abuses against Palestinians. Shifting the focus to Hamas’s oppression of its people can disrupt the false narrative that Hamas is a legitimate representative of Palestinian rights.
  5. Engage with Global Allies and Influencers: Build alliances with non-Jewish groups, international bodies, and influencers sympathetic to the cause of peace and human rights. Engaging with diverse audiences can help broaden the base of support and challenge Hamas’s propaganda more effectively.

Moving Toward a Future of Peace and Justice

Jewish organizations must recognize that their traditional, defensive approach has failed. They must adapt to the current realities of information warfare, where the battle is fought not just on the ground but in the media, on social networks, and in the hearts and minds of people worldwide. Without a quick change in tactics, the military war will always lose out to the information war.

A new approach is needed — one that is bold, proactive, and unafraid to challenge the lies and distortions that Hamas spreads. Only by exposing the real face of Hamas — its brutality, its disregard for human life, and its cynical manipulation of the world’s emotions — can we hope to break the cycle of violence and hate and move toward a future where peace and justice can prevail.

To achieve this, Jewish organizations must focus their resources on taking control of the narrative offensively, not defensively. By doing so, they can shift the discourse, challenge the falsehoods, and illuminate the true nature of the enemy they face. This is not just a tactical adjustment but a moral imperative — to stand up for truth, justice, and the sanctity of human life, against those who would seek to destroy it.


The battle against Hamas is not only fought with tanks, missiles, troops, bullets, and bombs. It must be fought just as hard with words, images, and ideas. Hamas knows that very well and that is their focus.

To win this war and bring eventual peace, Jewish organizations must make controlling the narrative their top priority. It is time to stop reacting and start leading, to stop defending and start attacking the lies and hatred that Hamas spreads. This is a war for the truth, and it is a war we must win.

By taking an offensive stance in the information war, Jewish organizations can help build a future where peace and justice are not just aspirations but realities. The time to act is now. Or we will continue the endless cycles of inconclusive wars after this war ends with another stalemate and another rebuilding of Hamas.

3 thoughts on “Hamas: Brutality, Propaganda, and the Urgent Need for a New Jewish Strategy”

  1. Agree wholehartedly. We need leaders worldwide to pressure Hamas and its allies, including Iran to persuade Hamas to make a deal to release the hostages.

  2. Imagine if Hamas was genuinely motivated about the well being of the Palestinian people. They could have accepted reality- that Israel exists, they cannot defeat it militarily, there will not be a Palestine from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean, recognized that Israel has a right to exist & so on. Money & resources spent on tunnels, rockets & arms could have been spent on infrastructure. If they had done that, other Arab nations & even Israel might have invested economically in Gaza to improve Palestinian lives there. Instead, they have brought immense suffering & misery on their own people. It is all based on religious fanaticism !

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